Wednesday, January 9, 2013

365 days to an organized life - Day 9

Let's look at the floors today.

1) Sweep - This is a daily task for me. Some days, everything needs to be swept. Some days, I just sweep the kitchen. Other days, I sweep just the bathrooms. I like this method that makes it consistent because it is done every day but flexible so that things are done that are most needed.

2) Mop - This is another daily task in the same flexibility as sweeping. If the house looks like it can do without mopping, I postpone that task til the next day.

3) Vacuuming - I have a travelling 11 month old that is in the everything-must-be-tasted phase so what normally would be a weekly task for many, is at least every other day task.

Here are some crocheted dishcloths and Swiffer cloths. I use the Swiffer cloths with the Swiffer WetJet. I took the cleaning solution bottle and dipped it in boiling water for 20-30 seconds to melt the seal. I opened it and filled it with my own cleaning solution. I can mop for practically nothing.

I think I will also add a monthly task for deodorizing the carpet. Let baking soda set for at least 24 hours with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Sprinkle over carpet and let set while we have nap time. Then vacuum thoroughly.

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