Tuesday, February 26, 2013


In an effort to keep it real. I have a confession to make.

My house is a real mess!

We are expecting our fifth child in September. My schedule has gone to pot. The typical first trimester symptoms make it hard to get much done. But there is a silver lining. Only three weeks left in first trimester. Time flies when there is four more to care for. Second trimester is always good for me. I have energy and get lots done. So I will get caught up and back on track.

I read some blogs of large families. How do these moms do it when they have a dozen kids and pregnant more often than not? It was uplifting to read the ones that were real. First trimester necessarily has a lot of sedentary time when dealing with nausea and fatigue. But it is just a season. It won't last forever. Just use the time to read with your kids and such.

So this explains the lack of posting in February and don't expect anything amazing til the middle of March. There will plenty of time to nest and rearrange to make room for another sweet baby. For now, I am just hoping for a nap and maybe some catfish and fried pickles. This baby is causing some major Southern cravings!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Eye exams

We had eye exams for the older boys today. I need to put a reminder in for next year for them and my daughter as well.

I was hoping for something to help give us guidance to help with my oldest's reading. But since he is near sighted now, it is unlikely that sight is a factor. Glad for that but disappointed that I don't have a way to help him yet.

I am contemplating taking education courses next year from the University. Maybe I will be able to glean information to help with homeschooling as well as be closer to a career we can fall back on if needed. I really want a plan to help him improve his reading skills.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun lunches!

I found these silicone molds at Target in their dollar section. They ended up ringing up for $3 but the kids just loved them so I got them anyhow.

Today's lunch was a little heavy on the fruit with pineapple and apple slices. Next time, I can add cheese or veggies to make it a bit more well rounded. I used the heart cookie cutter to make a special PB & J sandwich. The boys wanted the rest of their sandwich, too.

They were so excited that I almost didn't get a picture in. I've used ice cube trays but they are very small. This works so much better. And just happens to be in all their favorite colors. Will have to keep my eye out for another one for the baby who is looking less and less babyish every day. (sniff, sniff)

Menu plan
Friday - (No meat during lent) Lentil tacoes
Saturday - Crockpot Pot roast
Sunday - Italian shells and cheese
Monday - Pizza
Tuesday - Red Beans and Rice
Wendesday - Hamburger Steak and Mashed Potatoes (My grandmother brought me a whole cooler full of deer meat.)
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - (Need another meatless meal) Spaghetti with Red Sauce and Olives

Kinda in an Italian mood this week. Whenever we can get free, I hope to head to Olive Garden for a Soup, Salad and Breadsticks Lunch. Love that!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

365 days of organizing - keeping motivation

I just don't have any ideas for posting so I'll post some ideas for a bit of inspiration and motivation for us all. But feeling I should post something before all the momentum fizzles out.

Moderate CleanI love this post from a homeschooling mom with little ones and realistic expectations.

Home Sanctuary - I love her Small Thing every day.

Flylady - I am not a very good FlyBaby. I don't always shine my sink and I only wear shoes when I absolutely have to. But I really like the missions which are small deep cleaning tasks that can make a big difference.

Large Families on Purpose - I took our routine and mapped it out better with some of her ideas.

Right now, I am just trying to maintain and stay motivated. Nothing new on the schedule other than errands we are trying to get caught up on since we have a new van.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

365 days to an organized life - lost count!

Forgive me for neglecting the blog for about a week or so. We've bought a new van, switched insurance agents, finally figured out our state taxes, had two birthdays(lots of fun!), and the baby who just turned 1 got tubes in his ears. So my head has not been here.

Tuesday should be about cleaning but I am going to take a detour since it is Fat Tuesday. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. It is a beautiful Mass where we express deep sorrow for our sins in a similar way as the sack-cloth and ashes that was prevalent in the Old Testament. The ashes are made by burning the reeds from last year's Palm Sunday. Everything has such special significance!

Today, we are preparing for the time of Lent. We give up something as a penance. For many it was rich food. So today would be a time to use up all the milk and eggs. Pancakes are a super easy way to accomplish this.

I am glad that the penance can be totally personalized to the person or family. We have discovered trying to keep up with individual penances at this stage is quite difficult so we looked for something to do as a family. We eat fairly simply without a lot of meat anyhow. I am going to look for some more soup recipes to make once or twice a week. But otherwise, a food-related penance wouldn't be much of a hardship.

Why does it need to be a hardship? We are imitating the many examples in Scripture of 40 days in the wilderness. We are preparing our hearts for the tasks God has in store for us. It has to be something meaningful to us so that we are crucifying our flesh. But it isn't enough to simply give up something. We need to replace it with spiritually wholesome activities.

So, for Lent, we are giving up a bit of sleep. We have enjoyed the perk of homeschooling of sleeping in. Usually not past 8am but we enjoy it none-the-less. We'll be getting up before my husband heads to work and pray at least one decade of the rosary. I would like to pray 5 decades but with four little kids, we'll see what we can do. We will pray The Stations of the Cross on Fridays. We will also be going through The Way of the Cross by Inos Biffi

I am really looking forward to tomorrow. It is my first Lent as a confirmed Catholic. There is something special about joining in unity for prayer and fasting.

Monday, February 4, 2013

365 days to an organized life - Day 35

Saturday, I sorted through a few things and sent two trash bags of stuff to the thrift store. I did end up getting rid of the character pans. My best cake is a gluten-free carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I can still make that with my bundt cake pan. It is really liberating to let go of those pans. I don't have to be good at everything.

Sunday was a great day of worship and rest. We napped and watched the Super Bowl. Totally loved the Dodge Ram commercial with Paul Harvey.

Today, we are starting the achievement testing for my oldest. He isn't nervous and is actually excited. His brother is disappointed that he doesn't get to take a test. I assured him that next year he will be able to join the fun. The results are due to our cover school by April 30th. It takes time to order the test, give it, send it back and receive the results. I hate to be late so I think I will put a reminder for this time next year to order testing materials.

My biggest concern for testing is that we would be able to keep things quiet enough so he can focus. So I think we will do what we can tonight after Mike gets home. He is a night owl and functions better in the evenings anyhow. I am thankful we can spread it out over several days if necessary to give him the optimum conditions.

Friday, February 1, 2013

365 days to an organized life - Day 32

Well, we have made it through a month. How are your resolutions going? I hope to get more organizing done in February. But I got a lot of crafting done in January which gives me a big jump on Christmas.

My menu plan got a little off this week. I ended up grocery shopping for a few more fresh fruits and veggies as well as a few convenience foods for days when we have dr apps and such. I spent $100 but that still keeps us less than $450 for the month. I am looking to put together some freezer meals next month to help me get past this 2 week mark without heading back to the grocery store. The good news is that what I had already bought will last past a month since I didn't cook as planned a couple of days.

Saturday - Quiche Lorraine
Sunday - Red Beans and Rice
Monday - Lentil Tacoes
Tuesday - Black Bean Burgers
Wednesday - Spaghetti
Thursday - Country Creole Peas and Corn
Friday - Leftovers