Tuesday, January 1, 2013

365 days to an organized life - Day 1

I'm going to start off with three basics today. If you are following along with me, add whatever tasks you do today and repeat at an appropriate interval for your life. But here are three areas that I think are an important start. I am using Remember the Milk but use whatever works for you.

1) Prayers/Bible Study - Add whatever you feel led to do this year. You could add the Rosary for the morning, Office of Readings for midday and Daily Examen for night. Or simply 15 minutes of quiet time. Or you can change up the study and prayers month by month. I just feel it is important that God is at the top of our priority list. I also find that as I am adding more things to my schedule and not trying to keep track of them in my head, my thoughts are more focused on God.

2) Sort your mail with your scheduler handy - Anything that comes into your house needs to be checked for deadlines and to do's. If your child has a party to go to, add the event to your hanging calendar and scheduler. But also think of anything that needs to be done before the event. If you need to make cupcakes or a costume, add those steps to your schedule. If you have a bill, mark when you will pay or mail a payment. If there is a fair, festival or other event that you would like to attend, add that as well.

3) Dishes - I add two tasks related to dishes.

Load Dishwasher

Unload Dishwasher

I separate the two tasks because on crazy days, I can usually just do one part at a time. Depending on how much I cook that day, I may have to do another load or two of dishes. But those two tasks seem to keep it on track.

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