Thursday, December 18, 2014

Babystep #21 -#23

Babystep #1 Add kefir daily or at least several times a week. - Joseph has become a pro with using a straw and drinks it up at only 15 months old. This stuff really helps us to get back to normal when we've eaten processed foods.

Babystep #2 One batch of broth and subsequently soup a week. - I'm adding bay leaves to my chicken soup. That savory flavor seems to make the White Bean and Kale soup irresistible.

Babystep #3 Introduce fermented veggies. - Still using kraut with soup and relish in deviled eggs and such.

Babystep #4 Streamline kitchen - Need a bit of a reboot. It's trying to creep back into disarray.

Babystep #5 Add detox baths - finished one bag of epsom salt

Babystep #6 Add omega 3 supplements  - Even have my husband taking it.

Babystep #7 Purchase some more local raw honey. - on my third bottle since starting Babysteps

Babystep #8 Ginger tea - Walmart was out of ginger! How terrible! Will get some on my next milk run.

Babystep #9 Magnesium supplements - Both James and I are not using our inhalers. This is awesome!

Babystep #10 Sourdough starter - One seemed to be wearing out. I used it for biscuits and put the other on my counter. I'm feeding it immediately after using. I'll be baking, making pizza, making cinnamon rolls, or making beignets daily. This way I can put extra bread into the freezer for trips and busy times.

Babystep #11 Drink water first thing in the morning. - Yep!

Babystep #12 Work on creating a natural bath set for the children - Finished 4 soap saver for stocking stuffers and one for myself.

Babystep #13 - Menu planning each week - I have been following a six week plan that I made in November. I am loving the predictability.

Babystep #14 - Exercise daily - Still not at it. I think I am going to make it a goal to get to the gym daily but if I just make it 4 days, I'll call it a success.

Babystep #15 - Glucosamine for arthritis - Very helpful.

Babystep #16 - Homemade yogurt - My third batch flopped. I think I added the starter when the milk was too hot. So use a candy thermometer. I had picked the tutorial that I did because it didn't require measuring temperature. But I would rather check the temperature than waste a half gallon of milk. I'm also using organic milk now.

Babystep #17 - Avoid food dyes - Yep, becoming a challenge with all the Christmas candy that is around.

Babystep #18 - Fresh and frozen over canned veggies - It's actually a lot easier to open bags of frozen veggies than to open cans.

Babystep #19 - Be calm - I think it's helping. I have had other sinus symptoms but I have been able to fight it off rather quickly. My son that supposedly had an ear infection only has fluid in his ears. He has gobs of snout coming from his nose which could be a bit distressing. But it's really a good thing. That fluid has to come out. Keeping calm and supporting with diet and allergy meds seem to be helping us avoid tubes in his ears in the immediate future.

Babystep #20 - Enzymes - Gone through our bottle of enzymes so looking at different brands to determine which to use that is a bit broader than what we had.

Babystep #21 - Avoid MSG - I shopped at Save-a-lot last week. My husband was a manager for their stores for many years and I'm impressed with their dedication to quality in their private label foods. I found their brand of smoked sausage, Farmington brand. They had beef sausage available which was gluten free and MSG free. Awesome! Now the second ingredient is corn syrup but I'll take sugar in moderation over MSG. It is delicious. We've eaten two packs already.

There is a lot of controversy about MSG. I've seen a lot of discussion about MSG in the autism community. But for me, MSG as a culprit in some of our digestion problem would completely explain how I can make things at home with no reaction and then eat the same thing from the store and react severely. It explains how the gluten-free diet sometimes didn't seem to be working since sometimes we were just trading one set of processed foods for a different type of processed foods. This video was very interesting and informative.

Babystep #22 Use sinus rinses proactively - I ended up with a really bad sinus headaches about 24 hours after the white seeds flying in the air and tickling my nose at the zoo as well as the cat getting inside the house and van. I cleared it up pretty quickly but it occured to me that I could have avoided entirely if I had just used a sinus rinse. I really don't like them. They don't feel good but a couple minutes of discomfort is better than a day or two of sinus pain.

Babystep #23 Extra Vit C and D3 for the flu season - We've heard of people having the flu already so giving an extra boost to help keep us healthy.

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