Saturday, November 8, 2014

Taekwondo medalists

This past weekend, we had our first Taekwondo tournament. The boys were invited to Honors team which required participation in at least one tournament a year. We postponed our decision to after actually participating in one tournament.

They both did great. We were concerned about David because he had fluid on his ears and was scheduled for surgery Monday. But even so, he got the first point in his sparring match. Didn't slow him down much but you can see that he was very tired.

David got bronze in sparring and silver in form.

James got silver in sparring, silver in form and gold in board breaking.

One of the coolest part of the tournament was Katie Rose (4yrs old) walking around the gym. We've been working on her letters for a while but much of the time, instead of A, Ah, Apple, B, bu, Ball, it sounds all the same like eh, eh, apple, eh, eh, ball. But she has been paying attention after all because she called, "Hey Mom, Look, a W!" I looked over and saw the team mascot "Wildcats" written across the floor. Cool!

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