Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Overwhelmed and underprepared

Overwhelmed and underprepared......this is where bad decisions are made.

Last week, I had planned the menu pretty well for everyone but myself. I had dental work on Tuesday and needed to eat soft foods. I had soup but I wanted something else. If I had frozen fruit in the freezer, I would have made a smoothie. Instead, I tried to think of an easy way for my husband to get me something more to eat without having to get all the kids out again. So I asked him for a milkshake.

BIG mistake....dairy (non-fermented dairy) and I are becoming increasingly hostile. I spent the rest of the day bent over with intestinal cramps. A little more preparation and a bag of frozen fruit would have made a completely different story.

Later in the week, I had fought my best against this cold but it still was making the majority of us feel a bit rotten. I was watching a college football game and seriously considering take out for supper. But I had a plan for supper. I had even done part of the prep work. Might as well cook what was planned. I may have been a bit overwhelmed with the cold but preparation made all the difference.

The worst day of the cold was yesterday. I felt so cold and achy that I was seriously considering a flu test. I feel better today so I guess it was just a rotten cold. That morning, I followed through with getting my savory meat mix into the slow cooker. Mike took off half the day to help me out and was able to put together supper by just scooping some savory mix out of the slow cooker and adding some taco seasoning. I had mixed up the sourdough that morning so all I had to do that evening was divide it into three loaf pans to keep rising and we had breakfast ready to bake this morning. I had even started the yogurt fermenting despite it all.

Things happen and I can't always account for every issue that may arise. But meal planning is keeping us out of the drivethru. I can't always count on not feeling overwhelmed but I resolve to no longer be underprepared.

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