Friday, November 21, 2014

Science center

I seem to have an aversion to clear surfaces. There was one bookshelf that has been piled up ever since we moved here. I am inspired by my thoughts, "Remember the purpose and keep it free for that purpose." It's helping in the kitchen. So why not give each surface a specific purpose so that we will be inspired to keep it functioning for that purpose.

So I decided to make this small two shelf bookshelf into a science center. I put in the Science Labs that we made at the Lowe's Build and Grow workshop, goggles, a calculator, a handheld microscope, binoculars, a bug house, etc. I've already thought of a handful of items to add like rulers, small containers, snack bags for gathering leaves and things to study, etc. The boys thought to add a journal for documenting their scientific pursuits.

I included some 3D glasses since some of their animal books use 3D glasses. I won't drag out every book right now but as we use any science books, we'll put them away in this bookshelf. That will make it a complete science center.

They spent nearly two hours watching birds, studying leaves, making leaf prints, looking at mushrooms under the microscope and more. They were totally inspired and directing their own study. Awesome! They are also loving the preschool activity center which we may need to call the art center since the older boys are just as enthused over it. Even though they could have reached the paper and other items before, having it organized in one space had them up this morning spending another couple hours at the table doing paper crafts along with their loom bracelets. The older boys were so lost in their activities that they didn't eat breakfast til nearly 10am. I did manage a spelling and Latin test in the middle of their pursuits. Yesterday was the most student-led school day we have had and that's where impactful learning will occur.

Happy learning!

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