Wednesday, June 18, 2014

And so it begins

Joseph, our baby, is 9 months old. He is a commando crawler. He goes so fast that he looks like he is swimming across the carpet. We have had to run to catch him before he gets to the bathroom or the older boys' bedroom with all the Legos and rubber bands. It is a scary thought of what things will be like when he actually does start running.

This week, he has started pulling up on the furniture. And so begins the falling backwards and sideways because they how to get up but it takes more than a few hits to the noggin before they figure out a better way to get down. We learned after the first two boys that coffee tables are just not worth all the boo-boos.

And so begins the prayers that none of the falls cause any damage. It's not easy to move easily from the protect-the-head-at-all-costs infant stage to the rough-and-tumble toddler stage. And a few tears will be shed because they grow way too fast.

I think this boy needs lots of older siblings. He is non-stop movement. He has been ever since in the womb. He'll need children to play with and use up all that energy. We went to the free movie at the theatre. Joseph bounced up and down on my lap the whole movie. My arms were sore. Surely that counts as weight training, right?

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