Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sorting clothes and finger knitting

This morning, David finished his cereal first so I asked him to read the next lesson in the St Joseph Baltimore Catechism. It was about angels. He showed confidence in asking questions and leading the discussion.

The boys had spelling quizzes. A's and B's again. I had meant to have them play Scrabble yesterday but the day got away from us. I brought it down and said that if they could use one of their spelling words, I would add a point to their quiz score. That was harder than I thought. Noone got extra points. BUT it was fun and it worked on vocabulary, spelling and math (tallying up points).

We did an oral Latin quiz for Lesson V because my printer needs new ink cartridges. For the rest of this week and next, they will study for the test for the first five lessons. It's a lot to remember especially with the conjugations and declensions.

The boys worked on some questions at the end of the chapter in Founders of Freedom. I got a whole set of history books for 4th-8th grade at a used book sale at our Catholic homeschooling cover school faculty meeting. This lady was graduating her last child and sold me the whole set of the Land of our Lady set. It's has a lot of great comprehension and discussion questions. She even had the answer key to make checking their work much faster.

They practiced piano using the Dust Buster app. It has a concert option. David was able to get Bronze medal status. So competition kicked in and James practiced til he was a Bronze medal with a little higher score than David.

I worked on folding clothes and sorted through all the older boys pants. A few pairs needed to be put into storage for the little boys. A few pair went to the thrift store box. I heard a wonderful idea about determining whose clothes are whose. This lady recommending putting one dot on the tag for the first born, then two for the second, three for the third and so on. How awesome is that! I'm constantly having to get the boys to switch pants because David got some that were too short and James got some that were too long. It'll make it easier to put them away in separate drawers. Perfect for our family because initials would never work with all our J names. Next project will be putting the dot system on all our coats, jackets and sweaters. Did I mention that I'm looking forward to fall?

I taught Katie Rose to finger knit today. I wrapped the yarn around her fingers loosely just as if they were pegs on a loom. And after demonstrating it to her, Katie Rose was able to lift the stitches over. She enjoyed it and loved her own ball of pink yarn. I weaved the ends in for her and joined it to make a little necklace for her pink stuffed monkey. This is a great resource for handwork.

Here's a pic of her necklace and David's changing color practice swatch.

Next task: teach James to use the loom.

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