Saturday, November 15, 2014

Babystep #17 Avoid food dyes

Babystep #1 Add kefir daily or at least several times a week. We are fighting a cold. James started with it and Katie Rose, Joseph and I joined with the sniffles. The turmeric milk helped me and the older boys to feel better or avoid worsening. But I couldn't get the little ones to take it. I think I will try making a paste of it so that it isn't so grainy and hopefully more pleasant for the little ones. Katie Rose woke this morning with gunky green drainage from her nose. About mid-morning, I gave her some kefir and within ten minutes, it was lighter in color and thinner. We can't avoid every germ but this cold is much milder.

Babystep #2 One batch of broth and subsequently soup a week. 
 I absolutely love my large slow cooker for cooking a massive amount of broth and soup without having to monitor the stove.

Babystep #3 Introduce fermented veggies. check

Babystep #4 Streamline kitchen  - Done! I set up one counter for all things sourdough and coffee. My sugar container is there along with the rice cereal that I use to feed my starter. My measuring cups is in the cabinet above. My marble slab and rolling pin are ready for rolling out the cinnamon rolls tonight to rise overnight. I have one counter for prep work with bowls and cutting boards below. One small counter is completely empty for slow cookers and crockpots. The last counter has extra space for prep along with the dish drain and basket of sippy cups and water bottles. I am so very pleased with how well it looks and functions. The boys and I were all able to work in there this morning with space to spare.

Babystep #5 Add detox baths

Babystep #6 Add omega 3 supplements  check

Babystep #7 Purchase some more local raw honey.  check

Babystep #8 Ginger tea - check

Babystep #9 Magnesium supplements - check

Babystep #10 Sourdough starter - So enjoying fresh bread, pizza crust and anticipating cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning without the tummy upsets of regular bread.

Babystep #11 Drink water first thing in the morning. - Most mornings!

Babystep #12 Work on creating a natural bath set for the children - saving up baby food jars in a basket in the kitchen and researching ideas online

Babystep #13 - Menu planning each week - Followed it almost to a T this past week. A few adjustments had to be made when the boys wanted to go to taekwondo event and I needed to move the breakfast burritoes to that day so I could feed them quickly and get them out the door.

Babystep #14 - Exercise daily - check

Babystep #15 - Glucosamine for arthritis - check

Babystep #16 - Homemade yogurt - Done and got a starter for kefir

Babystep #17 - Avoid food dyes - This babystep happened as a result of other choices rather than a planned effort. Hopefully that means more natural and more likely to stick.

Last week, I went grocery shopping. I shopped the perimeter for the most part. I ended up with some meats and lots of veggies amongst the other items on my list for only $60. I couldn't believe it! I decided I could get a few items at Sam's and we had another milk run so it ended up closer to $100 for the week for 7 people. Still pretty good! I noticed a fruity cereal on sale. I did get some plainer cereals but I just couldn't buy something that looked so unhealthy. Same went for fruit snacks as I opted for raisins instead.

This week, I got a few more items including laundry detergent and ended up spending $140 but the same thing happened. The froot loop or fruity cheerios cereal was on sale but I couldn't buy it. So I figure that I should add this unexpected babystep to the list.

Of course, we're not going to be militant about it. In fact, I'm sure that the vitamin gummies we have probably have food dyes. That may be something to research further and see what non-dyed options there are. It's a start. Just another one of many small, seemingly insignificant choices that add up to make a big difference.

I feel so much better. I have more energy. I am more focused. I have less anxiety. I'm in a better mood. Just hard to believe how a few simple choices can make such a big difference.

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