Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Babystepping to GAPS diet - progress report

Babystep #1 Add kefir daily or at least several times a week. Success! The children love it and my husband tried it as well.

Babystep #2 One batch of broth and subsequently soup a week. Fail! I made the mistake of getting my bones at Walmart. They didn't smell good to begin with. They never put off any scum that I could skim off the top. This helps remove impurities and strange flavors. I let it cook for about 30 hours in the hope that it would eventually smell and taste good but no such luck. If I could barely stomach it, the kids weren't gonna have any of it. I couldn't start with a bad experience so I tossed it. 

Take 2 - I got bones from Publix. The broth had a much better smell. I cooked some mixed veggies and lima beans. I added the broth, salt and pepper. I added some kale from my potted garden on the front step. It turned out really well. I put of spoonful of sauerkraut on top. Very tasty! Total Success!

Babystep #3 Introduce fermented veggies. Success! I went to Whole Foods and got Bubbles relish and sauerkraut. I love relish and this brand was one of the best. I tried the sauerkraut and it's pretty good. I think I will enjoy it more as I get more accustomed to the taste. Not saying I would eat any sauerkraut but this brand is pretty delicious. Everyone had a spoonful in their soup except for the baby. 

I also learned that sauerkraut is just one of many options. Here are some more ideas! 85 ways to add fermented foods.  You could add a different fermented food once a week for nearly the entire GAPS diet. I'm going to add the sauerkraut (just a teaspoon) to the children's plates to eat with their veggies. Proclaim it as extra flavoring.

Babystep #4 Streamline kitchen - There is going to be a lot of food prep with this diet. I need to remove almost everything from my counters so that I am sure to have the room to prep food when needed.

Babystep #5 Add detox baths - Now this is not a new thing for us. We have done epsom salt baths for David since he was very small. The frequency has varied and become much less frequent now that he takes showers. Gonna start with shooting for once a week for all of us. May assign each of us a day of the week. When we start the diet officially in January, we may have to do it more frequently but having a baseline habit will help.

Babystep #6 Add omega 3 supplements - We have done this in the past. So this is a simple addition to get the supplement and add it to their medicine dispenser. We use a seven day am/pm medicine dispenser for each of us. Most of us take our vitamins and allergy meds at night but some have other allergy meds and whatnot needed for mornings. Having them all arranged for the week helps so much to keep us on track.

Babystep #7 Purchase some more local raw honey. Thankfully the bee farmer is just down the road. I've read a lot about honey and sweeteners. There are conflicting views. Some say only honey because it is so natural and has all the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Others say that honey has a similar affect on the blood sugar so avoid it as well. I gained a bit more understanding this week. Sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup and such allow the sugar to enter the intestines and feed the pathogenic bacteria and yeast. Honey is easily absorbed so that yes, it will affect your blood sugar and still needs to be limited to avoid adding to your waistline. But it won't feed the yuckies that have found their way into your gut and cause them to become overwhelming for the good guys.

Gonna try to eliminate the sugar as much as possible when we have run out. Sweet tea and coffee will need to be replaced with more water, ginger tea and other herbal teas. I find honey much more palatable in hot tea than coffee. Need to research more about the roles of stevia and xylitol. Will need some alternative sweeteners for cakes for the children's birthdays. And while hot tea is good and well for the winter months, some cold tea will be needed for next summer.

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