Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Variety is the spice of life!

So, I have learned that I need familiar things like crochet, cooking, bubble baths and such boost serotonin. Exciting, new things and being active boost dopamine which I am lacking. So I need a routine that incorporates lots of variety.

Since August, I have been planning our school days very effectively. I use a notebook and add each subject with page numbers and review questions. We are getting so much work done. The boys did their copy work in cursive today which was way better than I thought they would be at this early in the school year. We'll be through the science book in three weeks and have time to do one or two more science books.

How about I apply that to my daily schedule? My subjects can by God, husband, children, community, cleaning, organizing, decorating and crafting. I can vary the activities often so I am addressing all areas of focus without it getting old. I can plan ahead a focus to help plan ahead so i am not a slave to my impulsiveness and then add what I else I am able to accomplish once I get on a roll.

I think this will help me focus on today instead of what didn't get done yesterday or what will still need to be done tomorrow. I really love the days when I am in the zone and getting lots done. Maybe this idea will help those days become more frequent.

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