Saturday, January 3, 2015

Severe weather center

Our home has a central hallway protected by rooms on all sides so that is where we stay during storms. In 2014, we had a very close call. Severe storms with a tornado path went so close to us that our next door neighbor had roof damage and three doors down, a huge hardwood was uprooted. We heard it on top of us. But we had allowed our children to "camp out" in our hallway in sleeping bags. They thought it was cool and slept right through it.

Our hallway is wide so I have some bookshelves near the entrance. I decided to turn one into a severe weather center since we are expecting possible severe weather today. A place to have access to what we might need if part of the house was damaged and made inaccessible. Having our supplies scattered won't help us in that situation.

Four of the children have helmets. This is a very simple way of protecting heads from debris.

I included our weather radio that can also work on battery power. I added extra batteries to the shopping list.

I included all the elements for a tea light heater which can serve as both heat and light. I made a mason jar match holder with a sandpaper lid for striking. This will keep the children from strewing matches up and down the hallway if they were in a traditional match box. .

This evening, if the threat is still high, I will let the children camp in the hallway. I'll also grab some snacks and juice boxes to keep in the severe weather center for the night. My kids really are trustworthy but no reason to tempt them by having them in arms reach all the time.

Stay safe, everyone!

Lord and Holy Protector,like the disciples who were caught in their tiny boat in the midst of a mighty storm,

We come to beg Your Help. 

We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger.

We feel helpless and small before the great power of this storm which is beyond our control. 
While everything seems dark and dangerous, we place our trust in You, our Lord and God. 
Sheltered here in our home, we are also shielded by Your Love against all that might harm us. 

We know that You hear all prayers; so we now, filled with confidence, lift up our petitions to You, our God. 

 (silent prayer) 

Lord, we fear for our home, for our lives and for all we hold dear. 

Your Sacred Blessing is upon this home and upon each of us as well. 

We are secure in the power of that blessing. 

May the saving power of the Cross of Your Son, Jesus, encircle us and our home. 

May all evil, all harm and injury, be repelled by that Sacred Sign of the Cross. 

May the light of this candle be for us a holy sign of Your Divine Presence that fills our home in the midst of this danger. 

Lord and Creator of Storms and of Rainbows, be with us in this time of danger. 

Amen +

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