Friday, April 5, 2013

Bible & Catechism - Day 4

Genesis 4 - Cain and Abel

Verses 6-7 grabbed my attention. God sees Cain is angry and speaks to him. He tells him that sin is waiting at the door BUT yet you can rule over it. He was offering him a way out. And then in verse 15, although Cain does sin against God and his brother, God shows compassion on him by placing a mark upon him so that no one would kill him. God's compassion is truly unfathomable.

Psalm 4  - Trust in God

This whole psalm is awesome. I liked verse 2 when David says, "When troubles hem me in, set me free." Verse 3 is convicting with him speaking to the people, "Why do you love what is worthless, chase after lies?" Verse 5 speaks to the need for private sincere repentance of our sins within "our hearts" and "upon our beds." We have lost the sorrow for our sins. We are so quick to judge another but will justify our actions at all costs. There is forgiveness but there must be repentance.

Matthew 3 - John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus

I really love the comparisons that are done of Elijah and Elisha to John the Baptist and Jesus. I read an awesome article about it a couple of years ago but can't find it now. It is uncanny how many things lined up with the Old Testament giving a glimpse of the New Testament and the New Testament fulfilling the Old Testament eternally.

There were a lot of ritual washings during this time period. But John points to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Some see the Holy Spirit and fire as synonymous, and the effect of this "baptism" as either purification or destruction. Thought provoking!

Catechism 18-25

As a homeschooler who's primary objection to public school is the attempt to reach all children with one method of teaching, I loved 24 which states in part, "teachers must not imagine that a single kind of soul has been entrusted to them and that consequentely it is lawful to teach and form equally all the faithful in true piety with one and the same method." Amen! So while my husband and I are reading the Catechism individually. At family devotions, we read from the St Joseph Baltimore Catechism that contains the same points but is tailored to children. There would be no benefit of reading a text with language above their heads. Our goal is understanding and subsequently wisdom so that comes from providing instruction at their level.

This section also points to the importance of paying attention to cross-references and looking at Scripture references in their entirety so that the faith can be understood as a unified whole.

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