Thursday, February 14, 2013

365 days of organizing - keeping motivation

I just don't have any ideas for posting so I'll post some ideas for a bit of inspiration and motivation for us all. But feeling I should post something before all the momentum fizzles out.

Moderate CleanI love this post from a homeschooling mom with little ones and realistic expectations.

Home Sanctuary - I love her Small Thing every day.

Flylady - I am not a very good FlyBaby. I don't always shine my sink and I only wear shoes when I absolutely have to. But I really like the missions which are small deep cleaning tasks that can make a big difference.

Large Families on Purpose - I took our routine and mapped it out better with some of her ideas.

Right now, I am just trying to maintain and stay motivated. Nothing new on the schedule other than errands we are trying to get caught up on since we have a new van.

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