Friday, January 11, 2013

365 days to an organized life - Day 11

I need to go grocery shopping today so let's clean out the fridge.

1) Empty the dishwasher.

2) Make sure you have room in the trash can for any expired or past their prime foods.

3) Check the door for any expired condiments or foods

4) Check the rest of the fridge from top to bottom

5) Trash goes in the trash can and dirty dishes into the dishwasher

6) If there are any other items in the fridge that need to be used, list them in your schedule. If you need to save some meat or veggies and can't use them in a dish right away, put them in the freezer. Make sure to label.

7) If you threw out any staples, be sure to add them to your shopping list.

8) Use a warm soapy rag to clean the fridge surfaces inside and out.

9) Add a cup of baking soda to absorb odors or a jar with a bouquet of herbs to make you smile.

Set the task Clean the fridge to repeat monthly.

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